The Sutton Hoo Story
Title Details

256 Pages

24.4 x 15.6 cm

48 colour. 49 b/w. 60 line.

Imprint: Boydell Press

The Sutton Hoo Story

Encounters with Early England

by Martin Carver

  • Description
  • Contents
  • Reviews
A definitive account of Sutton Hoo, its discovery, history and famed treasure.

The Sutton Hoo ship-burial is one of the most significant finds ever made in Europe. It lies in a burial ground which contains all the elements of archaeological mystery: seventeen mounds, buried treasure, and sacrificed horses. In this very accessible book, Martin Carver explains what we know of this site, at which the leaders of the Dark Age kingdom of East Anglia signalled the pagan and maritime nature of their court. This is the story not only of this dramatic place, but also of its exploration over half a century, which amounts to a potted history of British archaeology.
Mrs Pretty digs up a ship
The British Museum's Treasure
A New Campaign
Before Sutton Hoo: c.3000 BC to c.AD 600
Burial Ground of Kings AD 590 to 650
The Gallows and the Gentry AD 650 to 1938
Now entertain conjecture of a time: Painting a picture of the seventh century
Bibliography and Sources
Background reading on Anglo-Saxon England
Archaeological Records
Notes to Text
"The most up-to-date and comprehensive study of Sutton Hoo available." ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL
"Accessible, affordable and pitched to a wide audience." TOEBI
"Provides a holistic, multi-period review of Sutton Hoo and an authoritative account of its archaeological history. This attractive and very readable overview brings readers up-to-date on this remarkable site." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAUTICAL ARCHAEOLOGY
"This attractive, beautifully illustrated and well laid out soft-covered edition is worthy of our attention." SUFFOLK VIEW
"An up-to-date interpretive handbook." SAXON



June 2017


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Title Details

256 Pages

2.44 x 1.56 cm

48 colour. 49 b/w. 60 line.

Imprint: Boydell Press